Концепция сейсмотектогенеза в Тайваньском сейсмопрогнозном и мониторинговом эксперименте
Ниже представлена статья, в которой рассмотрено обоснование и некоторые результаты успешно проведенного в течение 2009–2010 г. Тайваньского сейсмопрогнозного и мониторингового эксперимента.
Doda L.N. Seismotectogenesis concept realization on the example of Taiwan seismic forecasting and monitoring experiment (408,0 KiB) / L.N. Doda, O.V. Martynov, S.A. Shopin, V.S. Bobrovskiy, V.L. Natyaganov, I.V. Stepanov, I.V. Shugan // Proceedings of the Second Seminar Part I of the International conference on ecology, energy, economy security in a nonlinear world, Swiss Association "NON-LINEARITE", p. 7-17, 2010, Geneva, Swiss.
Abstract. On the basis of the developed by authors seismotectogenesis concept reflecting the mechanism of earthquake preparation and start up it was formed earth-space system for earthquake precursors monitoring and determined predictive relations to estimate preparing earthquake parameters basing on its data. A number of successful seismic forecasting and monitoring experiments were performed. The results of the Taiwan experiment are presented. The conclusion about the possibility of performing similar experiments in any seismogenic region of the Earth was made.