Главная > Лента событий > штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6

штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6

Magnitude ML 4.2


Date time 2013-05-06 03:13:43.0 UTC

Location 42.61 N ; 111.95 W

Depth 11 km

Distances 2839 km N of Mexico City, Mexico / pop: 12,294,193 / local time: 22:13:43.0 2013-05-05

205 km N of Salt Lake City, United States / pop: 186,440 / local time: 21:13:43.0 2013-05-05

28 km W of Soda Springs, United States / pop: 3,058 / local time: 21:13:43.0 2013-05-05

Magnitude ML 3.6


Date time 2013-05-06 03:20:57.0 UTC

Location 42.62 N ; 111.96 W

Depth 5 km

Distances 2840 km N of Mexico City, Mexico / pop: 12,294,193 / local time: 22:20:57.0 2013-05-05

206 km N of Salt Lake City, United States / pop: 186,440 / local time: 21:20:57.0 2013-05-05

29 km W of Soda Springs, United States / pop: 3,058 / local time: 21:20:57.0 2013-05-05

Magnitude 4.2 SOUTHERN IDAHO
Monday, May 06, 2013 at 03:13:42 UTC

штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6 штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6
штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6
Major Tectonic Boundaries: Subduction Zones -purple, Ridges -red and Transform Faults -green

штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6
Major Tectonic Boundaries: Subduction Zones -purple, Ridges -red and Transform Faults -green

USGS Topographic Map, Resolution: 16.0 meters/pixel

1 km

USGS Aerial Photo, Resolution: 16.0 meters/pixel

1 km

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

Magnitude 3.6 SOUTHERN IDAHO
Monday, May 06, 2013 at 03:20:56 UTC

штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6 штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6
штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6
Major Tectonic Boundaries: Subduction Zones -purple, Ridges -red and Transform Faults -green

штат Айдахо 4,2+3,6
Major Tectonic Boundaries: Subduction Zones -purple, Ridges -red and Transform Faults -green

USGS Topographic Map, Resolution: 16.0 meters/pixel

1 km

USGS Aerial Photo, Resolution: 16.0 meters/pixel

1 km

Preliminary Earthquake Report
U.S. Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Center
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver

Источник: emsc-csem.org.

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